Wednesday, August 31, 2011

More Clearing...

Today is day 3 of lot clearing. They are doing a great job. Every time we drive by, it looks better and better. Surveyor is due to come out today and re-pin the 4 corners of the house, so the graders can start to cut in for the basement.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Lot Clearing Begins!

As of yesterday, we weren't sure when we could start clearing our lot. Our originally scheduled grading contractor also works for FEMA, and was called to the coast to help with hurricane clean-up. By 9am today, we found a another crew to start clearing. They showed up at 1:00, and got to work right away. Got a good amount done in a short amount of time. Our goal is to clear the lot this week, re-pin the 4 corners of the house, and dig the basement ~ so we can have the basement walls delivered by the end of next week.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Hurricane Irene is on her way out of NC, so we are hoping that Monday is a "go" for clearing the lot. Keeping our fingers and toes crossed that it goes as planned. I'll be there with the camera, and report back with photos of a cleared lot - hopefully soon! :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On Hold...

Unfortunately it looks like Hurricane Irene will be making her way up the Carolinas this weekend. With that said, we've decided to wait until next week to begin clearing the lot and digging the basement. After the lot is cleared, if we were to get a huge amount of rain, then there would be erosion issues, and it would end up costing us more money and time to fix the damage. So we will play it safe and hold off until Irene gets out of here.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

And so it begins...

Welcome to Our New Home's Blog!! We hope to keep you updated on the construction of our new home ~ with photos and commentary.
It all began back in April 2011. We were faced with a few challenges, and were forced to re-evaluate our lives a bit. After prayerful consideration, we decided to put our house on the market on May 13. It went under contract on June 20, and we closed on it July 22. So needless to say, on July 23, we were without a home of our own. We were very blessed to have a temporary home to stay in while we build ~ Thanks Grammy!
On August 17, we closed on our lot - so we are now officially land owners!! Here are a few pics of the front of the lot. We hope to begin clearing next week.